This is the research software (web-apps, GUI programs, console programs) to which I contribute as the main developer or as a member of the development team.
Only the software that is already publicly released is shown here. I am currently working on several new projects, developed with Matlab, Python, Julia and Fortran, which will be posted here soon!
EntraPT is a web app based on Matlab code for elastic geobarometry and it is freely accessible upon registration at the website of the “Fiorenzo Mazzi” Experimental Mineralogy Lab. EntraPT is currently used by more than 50 research groups in 24 countries.
It is designed to make elastic thermobarometry easier. You can graphically analyze the measured residual strains of your samples and estimate their entrapment conditions, all in one place.
It also makes easy to export, reuse, share and compare your data. All of the data, parameters, and settings are stored in a consistent format and can be exported as project files and spreadsheets, and imported back to EntraPT for further analysis.
EntraPT is under constant update: new functionalities are made available from advances in the development of elastic geobarometry.
Methods and program are described here.
EosFit is a software suite developed with Fortran by Ross J. Angel. It is based on the open-source Eos cfml library and is widely used in material science, mineralogy, chemistry, physics for calculations involving both thermal expansion and equations of state.
The current version is EosFit7.6, and contains the following components:
EosFit7c: a console program that runs under Windows, Mac-OSX and Linux to manipulate EoS data, fit equations of state and thermal expansion, and to perform EoS calculations, but without graphics. EosFit7c is our development platform. It therefore includes some facilities for more advanced analysis (such as for continuous phase transitions, and strain tensors) than are available in EosFit7 GUI.
EosFit7 GUI: a full-GUI program that runs under Windows, Mac-OSX and Linux. It provides all of the tools needed to visualise and analyse the variations of unit-cell parameter and volume data with pressure and/or temperature. Very useful for teaching and learning about EoS and EoS parameters.
EosFit7 calculator: a GUI to do simple P-V-T calculations for Eos.
Methods and program are described here.
This is a GUI developed with Fortran and built on the open-source Eos cfml library to do rapid calculations for elastically isotropic spherical host-inclusion systems. EosFit-Pinc can:
- Read EoS as .eos files from any other EosFit7 program.
- Import EoS from Thermocalc.
- Calculate final inclusion pressures from known entrapment P and T.
- Calculate entrapment isomekes from measured remnant inclusion pressures.
- Calculate isomekes and isochors of the two phases.
EosFit-Pinc is only available for Windows. Methods and program are described here.