Mattia Luca Mazzucchelli

I am a geoscientist with a passion for computational modeling and software development. I am currently an Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (Germany).

I obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Pavia in 2019 as a member of the Truedepths project funded by the European Research Council. I studied how to exploit the elastic behaviour of minerals to constrain the P-T conditions of metamorphic processes and diamond genesis. With my research I have contributed to develop several of the computational and experimental tools that are now widely used in the field of elastic (or Raman) thermobarometry.

In my current research I use molecular dynamics to understand how phase equilibria are affected by non-hydrostatic stress in the Earth. With such an approach I can explore the physics that controls the interaction between deformation and reactions in many geological processes.

I am also active as a software developer, mainly for scientific applications. I develop libraries, standalone desktop programs and full-stack web-applications.